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From ER Nurse to Nurse Educator
From an early age, Katrina Maurer knew she wanted to be a nurse.
Fortis Cookeville Welcomes Special Guests
Congressman John Rose and District Director Rebecca Foster
Landover Grad In The News!
Fortis College produces nurses who are helping in the fight against COVID
First Coast News
Pandemic changes way nursing students prepare for workforce
WKRG 5 News
Fortis Colleges and Institutes are happy to participate in the American Dental Association’s Give Kids A Smile® Program
Each year approximately 6,500 dentists and 30,000 dental team members volunteer at local GKAS events to provide free oral health education, screenings, preventive and restorative treatment to over 300,000 children. GKAS events kick off annually on the first Friday in February, which is Give Kids A Smile Day. GKAS events are held throughout the year. To-date, over 6 million underserved children have received free oral health services through the GKAS program.
Click here to learn more about our Give Kids a Smile activities.
Fortis College Westerville (Columbus) Drive Through Commencement
More than 300 graduates from Fortis College-Columbus in Westerville, Ohio celebrated graduation with a drive-thru commencement ceremony!
Fortis College in Orange Park Announces Practical Nursing Program
Fortis College in Orange Park, Florida recently announced a new PN program. Read the news in Clay Today.
WNEP Scranton - Give Kids a Smile, February 2020
Scranton’s Fortis College dental hygiene program gives back to the community by providing free cleanings for children under the age of 18 during the ADA’s Give Kids a Smile dental care event!
Fortis College in Cutler Bay Announces Practical Nursing Program
Fortis School of Nursing at Fortis College in Cutler Bay to meet increasing demand for skilled nurses in South Florida